For a week until everybody got sick of it, there was a Facebook/Twitter meme: List 10 concerts you had seen and let your followers guess which one was a lie. Here’s my variation: the 10 concerts I considered going to but couldn’t or didn’t — and I’m still kicking myself:
Tag: Social media
Bob Turner, my first city editor, didn’t do social media. His heyday as a journalist was in the 1950s through 1980s, and he was more comfortable with a typewriter than a computer. (When I moved into his old desk at The Tampa Times, I had to switch things around so that I faced the computer terminal instead of the old typewriter.)
But if Bob were a reporter now, I think he would embrace social media – mostly because it would expand the number of sources he could talk with.
Hundreds of photos and videos were taken this morning when a historic house was moved from a perch overlooking Lake Hollingsworth in Lakeland to a nearby lot on Florida Avenue in Dixieland. Here are some highlights from social media feeds, including fabulous videos taken from cameras on drones.
Social media can be an illuminating window into a community and its people. The feed below, which updates constantly, shows images posted to Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #lkld. It’s a little experiment in automated social curation I created at (View a full-width version here.)